What is Vaginal Infection?
Vaginal infection may be a condition when there's excessive yeast growth within the vagina. there'll be intense itching, swelling and irritation in women who get this infection. Vaginal infection is bothersome for the ladies who experience it.
Causes :
Candida Albicans is that the sort of yeast that causes the vaginal infection. Yeast is usually present within the vagina and therefore the growth of yeast is kept in restraint by lactobacillus bacteria. If there's an imbalance within the body, the bacteria cannot work and results in overgrowth of the yeast. This condition causes itching and burning within the vagina. In some women, recurrent yeast infections will happen. If recurrent yeast infections occur, then the explanation for the vaginal infection is another sort of Candida yeast. Imbalance within the body is caused thanks to many factors like pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, excessive antibiotics, weak system , hormonal imbalance, stress and lack of sleep.
Symptoms :
Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of vaginal infection should visit a gynaecologist. Gynaecologist will check whether the person had episodes of sexually transmitted disease. Pelvic exam is administered to thoroughly check the vaginal walls and cervix. Vaginal sample test is prescribed for ladies who have recurrent episodes of vaginal infection. Treatment for vaginal infection includes vaginal creams to get rid of the infection. Vaginal creams contain oil and hence have the power to effect the latex of condom and other birth controls. it's best to avoid these contraception at the time of infection. Simple yeast infections are often treated by a three-day regimen of ointments, anti fungal creams or suppository. The vaginal infection will cure on use of those medicines. A follow up to the doctor is required to see for recurrent episodes.
Complications :
Complicated vaginal infections are often caused thanks to variety of reasons like uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy or HIV. These cause recurrent episodes of vaginal infections and hence need a more aggressive treatment. Here the ladies are given a 14-day cream or ointment and medications like antibiotics to treat the infections. Use of condoms during sex is additionally prescribed by the doctor to avoid further infection. Vaginal infections are often prevented by following some simple precautions. Avoid wearing tight underwear, feminine deodorant or pads, eating a well diet , avoid wearing wet underwear, wearing natural fibres like silk and cotton, avoiding use of hot tubs frequently, avoiding hot douches. Prevention and precautions taken properly can avoid vaginal infections and cause an honest hygiene in women.


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