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Posted at 07-04-2020

Women suffer from a range of gynaecological problems ranging from menstrual irregularities and fertility issues to menopause and STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). In most cases, it is an imbalance of hormones that cause gynaecological problems and strong medication is not required. Homeopathy is a holistic form of alternative medication that takes into account the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of a patient and addr ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

Pregnancy was once considered a time for rest when women advised to refrain from physical activity/exercise as they were considered to be harmful for the mother and unborn baby. This view is challenged by several studies which found that physical activity in pregnancy is safe and has many benefits for the mother and baby. How do I stay active during pregnancy? If you were active for at least six months before your pregnancy, ask your d ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

Becoming pregnant is indeed the most special experience for any woman and should be enjoyed. However, at this point you’re not looking only after yourself but also an unborn baby. Hence complications that occur during pregnancy affect both the health of the mother and the baby if not addressed and treated in time. Here are a few health conditions that are commonly experienced by pregnant women. Anemia: A dr ...read more

Posted at 06-04-2020

Back pain is one of the most common debilitating disorder in the world today. The pain affects 90% of people at some point of their lives. Human back comprises of various structures (see figure) which are nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, any or all of which can be a source of pain. Once back pain occurs, it may become chronic (more than 4 weeks) and you shall need to consult a pain physician for relief and accurate d ...read more

Posted at 06-04-2020

Lower back pain is a very common discomfort causing condition that occurs anywhere on the back below the ribs and above the legs. The pain is very common and is faced by most individuals at least once during their lifetime. The most basic measures to cure your lower back pain are exercising well, eating healthy and maintaining a good body posture at all times.   Here are some of the common treatment options fo ...read more

Posted at 06-04-2020

The retina is the third and innermost layer of the eye that catches light and helps us focus on things so that we can see clearly. This is one of the most important parts of the eye. The retina is made up of a number of light sensitive cells that are connected to nerve fibres. These nerve fibres help in transmitting the light into imagery through neuro impulses that reach the brain. There are many conditions and diseases that can affect this part ...read more

Posted at 06-04-2020

Most of us take our eyes for granted. It has been often noticed that an individual splurge on expensive sunglasses for looking smarter. But, when it comes to the health of eyes, he or she is either ignorant or simply reluctant to do anything. This tendency is bad for the health of your precious eyes. Remember, how you use them to stare at the screens of your gadgets all day long. Take out some time from your busy schedule and take care of your ...read more

Posted at 06-04-2020

When you have soft drinks or sodas, the pancreas quickly starts to make insulin because of excessive sugar. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to move sugar from food items or drink into the circulation system, where cells are then ready to use that sugar for energy purposes. Within 15 minutes, glucose levels increase and the liver reacts to the insulin by transforming sugar into fat for capacity. Here is how soft drinks affect our health: ...read more