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Posted at 05-04-2020

Building and maintaining a good relationship with your professional caregiver seems like it would be straight-forward, but it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly how. It is a relationship that walks such a fine line between intimacy and professionalism. Caregivers perform tasks that are personal, close and that can foster dependence. Establishing a good relationship with a caregiver will encourage open and honest communication. Remember, a ...read more

Posted at 05-04-2020

When you think about home care, what's the first thing you think of? Probably the caregiver. The person who will be coming into your home or the home of a loved one and working with you on a daily basis. A great caregiver is important, but a great care team is what makes sure the whole care process runs smoothly. What is a Care Team? The issues associated with aging are often complex and emotionally charged. At times like these, older a ...read more

Posted at 05-04-2020

Caring for an aging parent is a complex task. When dementia care is part of the picture, it becomes exponentially more difficult. Cognitive and behavioral changes from dementia can occur unpredictably and parents may resist care. If you are a caregiver for a senior with dementia, the most important thing is to first understand the disease. Although Alzheimer’s disease is just one type of dementia, it is the one with the most pr ...read more

Posted at 05-04-2020

You’ve done the interviews and chosen an in-home caregiver that seems right for your parent or spouse. Now it’s time for him or her to arrive for their first day on the job. It’s normal for everyone—you, your loved one and the caregiver—to have butterflies and questions. To start everyone on the right foot, use advice from a professional Care Advisor of Priyojon, Salma Begum Setting the Stage for a New Caregive ...read more

Posted at 04-04-2020

24 hour care is around-the-clock, daytime and overnight. While each state has its own regulations, typical options for 24 hour care include: One caregiver who works a full day, with breaks, followed by 8 hours rest in the client’s home. Two caregivers work in 12 hour shifts. The evening caregiver stays awake through the night. Look for these signs that it may be time to change from hourly to 24 hour care for your olde ...read more

Posted at 04-04-2020

All aspects of home care for seniors can be confusing. When an event occurs, such as a fall, illness, or exacerbation of a previous problem, the time to find help is now! Understanding options for support in the home can relieve stress and help with recovery. Private duty home care is an excellent choice for these kinds of situations. What is Private Duty Home Care? The terms home care and home health care are often confused for e ...read more

Posted at 04-04-2020

Deciding on the right home care provider to suit your clients can be confusing and oftentimes overwhelming for them. Here you’ll find the pros and cons of the three most popular options: a privately hired caregiver, a home care agency and a family caregiver. The first bit of knowledge your clients will need when it comes to considering home care options is the types of services they can expect to fall under the umbrella of “home ca ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Ayurveda is something which is very potent and its efficacy has been proven over the years. Arthritis is painful and has the ability to make a person feel pretty much like his or her hands are tied! However, while not much can be done to liberate a person to his or her pre-arthritis level of ease, the issue can be controlled and Ayurveda can really work wonders! When you prefer an Ayurvedic treatment to help a person who is suff ...read more