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Posted at 29-02-2020

Joint pains can be a cluttered affair and believe it or not 9 out of the 10 cases have to live with the pain despite all the treatment options aiming to reduce the agony. There may be several instances where you might be coming across the term “joint replacement surgery”. No, no need to panic! We are not living in the 1960’s anymore. We are living in the age of cut throat medical innovations that is actually hard ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

The shoulder is a complex joint consisting of a number of bones, ball, socket, and cartilage. For people suffering from arthritis of the shoulder joint, a total replacement of the shoulder joint is often a successful procedure. It significantly improves pain and range of motion. However, in case the patient is suffering from a special type of arthritis of the joint known as “cuff tear arthropathy”, a total shoulder repl ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Governance Comes in Two Flavors The two pillars supporting healthcare governance can be categorized into clinical governance and corporate governance. Clinical governance is the systematic approach to maintaining and improving the quality and safety of patient care. Corporate governance is focused on business performance and compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical responsibilities, so that the organization contributes positively t ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Whether or not your hospital was one of those penalized, improving your organization's discharge planning is a worthwhile endeavor. As a Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) report indicates, "Studies have found that improvements in hospital discharge planning can dramatically improve the outcome for patients as they move to the next level of care." Fortunately, there are numerous resources available that can help you make such posi ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Every year, thousands of people struggle with managing their chronic condition. Who is adjusting medications? Who’s tracking those changes? How do you keep tabs on new treatment options? Having a chronic condition such as diabetes, COPD, congestive heart failure, arthritis or asthma, can be frustrating enough. But when you don’t know who to turn to for help managing your symptoms, everything can become overwhelming. Working w ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

When you think of the word companion, what comes to mind? As people get older or deal with illness, they often have trouble with daily or ordinary tasks, and need assistance. A companion can help take care of a range of tasks that make living at home more possible, more comfortable and more enjoyable. Companion care is a way to provide seniors with emotional support and the confidence to remain independent at home. Companions do not need to ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Taking care of an elderly, chronically ill or disabled family member at home can be a demanding job. Whether you are caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or some other illness, the demands of taking care of the person can sometimes become overwhelming. Caregivers need and must take breaks. Respite care provides short-term breaks that can relieve stress, restore energy and promote balance in the lives of caregivers. Before holiday ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

After dealing with doctors on behalf of my mother who was chronically ill and disabled for 10 years, one would assume I asked my own doctor all the right questions before having surgery on a deteriorating thumb joint. In the spirit of staying positive, however, I guess I decided to avoid the details. As such, I was totally unprepared for the aftermath of surgery and six weeks in a hand cast. While you might have an excellent surgeon as I did, ...read more