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Posted at 29-02-2020

Elder care takes on many forms and starts with having the right doctors in place. As you age, different medical concerns start to arise. Just as babies have specialized needs best served by pediatricians, there are many areas of elder care where specialists trump generalists. Today, we’ll cover the doctors every senior needs to visit at some stage and we’ll get started by considering whether you should consider a geriatrician. ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Handwashing: How to Teach Children Good Hand Hygiene Posted by David Smith on Wed, Feb 19, 2020 @ 08:30 PM Handwashing is, by far, the most effective way to help prevent your children from getting sick and the best way to prevent the spread of germs. Time spent washing hands can, therefore, reduce the amount of time spent in a doctor’s office! Horizon Education Centers Acquires Two Family Life Child Care Centers from Ohio Guideston ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Both how much and what you eat and drink not only affects your weight but it impacts on your mood, concentration levels and how you feel. In essence, ‘good’ food and hydration are essential for general wellbeing. So, as a healthcare worker, ensuring that your patients receive adequate amounts of nutrition and hydration is a fundamental aspect of holistic care. Though this applies whatever clinical area you work in, it is particular ...read more

Posted at 29-02-2020

Good Doctor-Patient Relationships Vital to Seniors’ Health Seniors who have no one to accompany them to the doctor can be at a real disadvantage, especially if they are hard of hearing. Consider enlisting the help of a friend or professional CAREGiverSM if Mom or Dad needs to go to the doctor and you can’t be there. Q.Since my wife died last year, I’ll be going to the doctor alone for my annual physical this year. I&rsqu ...read more