Attendant for hospital visit
Caregiver/Nurse will go with patient when he/she needs to go hospital/Clinic for diagnosis or any major treatment like Dialysis or anything else. Caregiver/Nurse will stay with patient total time & get back with patient's premises.

Bedside Bathing
Caregiver will get bath your bed patient at bed side, equipment should provide by client

Bedsore Dressing
All equipment must provided by client, patient will get dress only by nurse

Blood Infusion
Blood infusion is the process of transferring blood or blood products into one's circulation intravenously

Blood Infusion with Observation
Service provider will stay for the last drop of blood to be infused to patient's body

Blood transfusion
Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood products into one's circulation intravenously

Cleaning /Calendar Bed & used Cloth
Caregiver/Nurse will clean patient's used cloth, Bedsheet & Calendar/Smoothen/Dress the living room along with necessary furniture(Bed, Bedside Table, Food Trolley, Cabinet) for patient

Diabetes or Blood Sugar Check
Blood Sugar Check can be used to estimate blood sugar levels at a given time or, over a longer period of time, that can be performed at home

Diaper Changing
Caregiver will clean the stool or potty or replace the diaper of your bed patient

Doppler check for Pregnant mother
Health professionals will check the heartbeat of your baby through Doppler machine to diagnosis the health condition of baby

An enema, also known as a clyster, is an injection of fluid into the lower bowel by way of the rectum. Also, the word enema can refer to the liquid so injected, as well as to a device for administering such an injection.

Food Serving/Feeding to patient
Caregiver will help your patient to feed through mouth/injection/NG tube/Anal

Foot-care Dressing
To dress these wounds appropriately, health care professionals must often use non-traditional methods. Usually Foot-care dressing used for for diabetic patient.

IV Saline Infusion
Nurse/Attendant will stay with you to the last drop of saline & will help you to get relax.

Minor Dressing
Small portion of a human body where needs dressing. All necessary medicine must be provided by client.

Needed Medical Equipment Control/Maintenance
Caregiver/Nurse will maintain & clean needed medical equipment(Oxygen Cylinder, Concentrator, Ventilator, Bi-PAP, C-PAP,BP Machine, Glucometer & Basic equipment).

Patient's Mouth wash
Caregiver will help your patient to washed his/her mouth when it's needed

Patient's stool cleaning
Caregiver will clean the stool or potty or replace the diaper of your bed patient

Plaster bandages/Cast to reduce fracture
Equipment will not be provided by service provider, equipment should be arranged by client.

Reading Books, Newspaper for patient
Caregiver or Nurse will read books or newspaper for patient to entertain positively

Surgical Pin Removal
Pin removal machine is included with this service which will be provided by service provider

Vital Signs Check
Service provider will check your Temperature, Pulse Rate, Blood pressure & Saturation