Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi
Why do miscarriages occur?
What does a miscarriage look like?
What are the various sorts of miscarriages?
What are the first signs of a miscarriage?
What causes a miscarriage?
How to know if you had a miscarriage?
What week is that the highest risk of miscarriage?
How may be a miscarriage diagnosed?
How is miscarriage treated?
What are the danger factors which may cause a miscarriage?
How to prevent miscarriage?

Why do miscarriages occur?
Miscarriage usually occurs when the fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy. In medical terminology, it's also called a miscarriage . These are quite common , consistent with a study, approximately 50% of pregnant women can experience a miscarriage.
The most common cause behind miscarriage is that the fetus doesn't develop normally due to certain problems within the chromosomes. another factors are often an abnormality of hormones level in mother i.e. hormone . it's important to consult your obstetrician if you experience such symptoms

What does a miscarriage look like?
If a miscarriage is at an early stage, then the tissues aren't visible from the naked eyes. It simply seems like heavy menorrhea and perhaps a couple of tiny clots within the discharge. If miscarriage takes after the amount of 4-5 weeks, then there could also be some small transparent gestational sac surrounded with rudimentary beginnings of the placenta.

What are the various sorts of miscarriages?
Threatened miscarriage: during this sort of miscarriage, early pregnancy is amid backache. Cervix remains closed thus allowing pregnancy to continue.
Incomplete or inevitable miscarriage: during this sort of miscarriage, there's back or abdominal pain, along side bleeding. Hence, it's considered incomplete if the cervix is open.
Complete miscarriage: during this sort of miscarriage, the embryo comes out of the uterus and empties it completely along side bleeding and pain.
Missed miscarriage: during this sort of miscarriage, the embryo dies but with none symptom like pain or bleeding
Recurrent miscarriage: If three or more miscarriages occur within the trimester , it's recurrent miscarriage.

What are the first signs of a miscarriage?
The early signs of miscarriage are weight loss, white-pink mucus and bleeding (brown or bright red) without cramps.
Signs of miscarriage at 2 weeks: Faintness, nausea, severe period pain, breast tenderness, no feeling of being pregnant, heavy bleeding.
Signs of miscarriage at 4 weeks: this point the miscarriage is understood as a chemical miscarriage. The signs are cramping, spotting and heavy bleeding.
Signs of miscarriage at 6 weeks: Miscarriage seems like the heavy menstrual discharge of blood and no tissues are visible there are only small clots.
Signs of miscarriage at 8 weeks: Symptoms keep it up changing but the probabilities are of 12% for miscarriage.
Signs of miscarriage at 12 weeks: Symptoms keep it up changing but the probabilities are of 0.6% for miscarriage.

What causes a miscarriage?
There are many causes of miscarriage like:
Placental problems: during this , the placenta develops abnormally. It results in a disruption in blood supply from mother to baby.
Chromosome problems: The fetus isn't ready to receive a correct number of chromosomes causing incomplete development of the fetus.
Womb structure abnormalities: When the womb isn't in proper shape or shaped abnormally along side fibroid development within the womb, it creates a risk to a developing fetus.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): there's hormonal imbalance within the body caused because the ovaries are too big.
Weak cervix: If the cervix muscles are weak, they open up very early during the time of pregnancy and leads to miscarriage.
Lifestyle factors: Habits like smoking, drugs or alcohol also can be the explanation for the matter .

How to know if you had a miscarriage?
Vaginal bleeding and powerful period-type cramps are the first signs of the miscarriage and through this point the embryo doesn't develop completely.

What week is that the highest risk of miscarriage?
0 to six weeks are at the very best weeks of risk considered for miscarriage. During this era , a woman can have a miscarriage without even knowing or realizing that she is pregnant. In miscarriage, age plays the role of a risk factor. If a lady has age between 35 to 39 then the danger is of 75% and if a lady is 40 or older than she is at 5 times higher risk.

How may be a miscarriage diagnosed?
These are the test used for the diagnoses of miscarriage:
Blood tests: Blood tests are done to work out the amount of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone, since both of those are related to pregnancy.
Ultrasound scans: The heartbeat of a fetus is checked by placing alittle probe within the vagina, also called transvaginal ultrasound.
Pelvic exam: this is often done to work out if the cervix is thinned out or opened.
How long does one bleed after a miscarriage?
If miscarriage takes place during early pregnancy then bleeding and cramping is merely experienced for few hours. However, it varies from one woman to a different . The bleeding may last up to every week with heavy clots and stops within fortnight .

How is miscarriage treated?
The main aim of the treatment is to stop bleeding and infection. At the time of earlier pregnancy, the body expels fetal tissues on its own and if it doesn't happen on its own, then dilation and curettage (D & C) are performed by the doctor. During this process of (D & C) cervix is opened by the doctor and a skinny instrument is inserted into the uterus to get rid of tissues. After this procedure , a patient is prescribed medicines to regulate bleeding.

What are the danger factors which may cause a miscarriage?
If a lady is over 35 years aged
If she has medical conditions like thyroid problems or diabetes
If she had quite three miscarriages within the past
If she features a weak cervix. this is often also referred to as cervix , in such cases, the woman’s cervix cannot hold a pregnancy
What food causes miscarriage?
The food that ought to be avoided are:
Raw meat, deli meat, fish with mercury, smoked seafood, raw eggs, soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, caffeine, alcohol, unwashed vegetables, pineapple, crabs, sesame seeds, papaya, drumstick, herbs, peaches, processed meat, sprouted potatoes, raw sprouts, junk food.

How to prevent miscarriage?
Most of the time, it's caused by genetic abnormalities within the fetus and there's no prevention. Although, it's not that each one the miscarriages are caused by only genetic abnormalities but there are often other reasons also . Therefore, mother's health must be taken care and healthy lifestyle must be adopted to stop it.
These are the measures which will be adopted: Regular exercising, managing stress, eating a healthy and diet , weight must be in limit, no smoking, avoiding alcohol or illicit drugs, taking over to 400 mg of vitamin Bc a day , etc.