Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

What is kidney failure?
Kidney failure is that the condition where the kidney is incapable of removing these toxins from the blood effectively. The factors which will play into damaging your kidneys are: exposure to toxic elements present within the environment or in medications; either acute or chronic illness, trauma posed to the kidneys, and a severe sort of dehydration.

What are the 5 stages of kidney failure?
These are the 5 stages of chronic kidney failure:
Stage 1: During this stage, there's only mild damage to the kidney and no symptoms are seen. But still, if you are feeling some changes then you ought to visit the doctor. In stage one if the eGRF is above 90 then the kidney is healthy and dealing fine. Doctors examine stage one renal disorder by testing the extent of protein present in your urine.
These are the items which you ought to do to hamper stage 1 kidney disease:
Keep control over your blood glucose if you're diabetic.
Maintaining your vital sign
By keeping a healthy diet
No smoking or tobacco
Regular exercise
Keep a healthy lifestyle and proper weight.
Stage 2: During stage 2 of the renal disorder there are not any symptoms and therefore the damage is mild. But you ought to visit the doctor as soon as possible to stop further damage. In stage 2 eGRF ranges between 60-89 which suggests that the kidney is functioning well and are healthy. But still, you ought to visit the doctor because, though the eGRF is normal there are often some abnormalities like extra protein content in urine or there are often any physical damage to the kidneys.
These are the items which you ought to do to hamper the stage 2 kidney disease:
Keep control over your blood glucose if you're diabetic.
Maintaining your vital sign
By keeping a healthy diet
No smoking or tobacco
Regular exercise
Keep a healthy lifestyle and proper weight.
Stage 3: During stage 3 renal disorder the kidneys are moderately damaged and pack up properly. There are two stages in stage 3 renal disorder which are Stage 3a and Stage 3b. If an individual is affected by stage 3a then the eGFR ranges between 45-59 and if the condition is stage 3b then the eGRF ranges between 30-40.
These are the symptoms of stage 3 kidney disease:
Back pain
Urination problem
Swelling within the hands and feet
Stage 3 renal disorder can create an outsized number of complications within the body of an individual which may be high vital sign , anemia, and bone disease.
Stage 4: During the 4th stage of renal disorder , the kidneys get damaged severely and that they pack up during a proper way. Stage 4 renal disorder should be taken seriously as this becomes the last stage before the entire renal failure .
If you don’t want the renal disorder to urge worse then you ought to do the subsequent things:
Having regular appointments to a nephrologist to urge the simplest treatment
Meeting a dietitian in order that you follow a correct diet to stay yourself healthy
Keeping a check on your vital sign and diabetes if you're affected by any.
Stage 5: this suggests that the renal disorder is in its last stage or are very on the brink of failure.
These are the symptoms of kidney failure:
Muscle cramp
No hunger
Nausea and vomiting
Back pain
Urinating problem
Trouble in breathing
Trouble in sleeping
Once the kidney is failing then you're prepared for dialysis or kidney transplant.

What are the signs and symptoms of kidney failure?
The symptoms that accompany renal or renal failure are:
Feeling nauseous
Fatigue or tiredness
A state of Coma
Lowered desire to urinate
Swellings of body parts
Pain or ache within the chest region
Shortness of breath
Kidney failure or damage are often brought on about by:
Heart disorders
Allergic reactions
Severe burn or scarring of the liver
Infection such as: Sepsis.
High vital sign or Hypertension
Anti-inflammatory drugs also can inhibit the flow of blood to the kidneys.
Other reasons for renal failure are:
Blood clots round the kidney region
Drug and alcoholic abuse
Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)
Chemotherapy medications
Multiple myeloma (cancer that grows within the plasma cells of the bone marrow region)
Glomerulonephritis (swelling of the kidney blood vessels)
Scleroderma and a few antibiotics.
Some factors which will contribute to urination difficulties and ultimately build up to renal failure are; blood clots within the tract region, kidney stones, injury to the nerves controlling the bladder and or an enlarged prostrate.
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What causes kidney failure?
Kidney failure occurs when the organ is totally damaged and there are often several causes or conditions for the failure of the kidney, which include:
Less blood flow within the kidney:
If there's a sudden loss of blood within the kidney or blood stops flowing within the kidney then it promotes renal failure . There are often Some more conditions that accompany renal failure , which include: attack , heart condition , dehydration, burning sensation, allergies , severe infection, liver failure or scarring of the liver.
Urine elimination problem:
Our body eliminates toxic and acidic substances from the body within the sort of urine. But when this urine starts accumulating within the body and isn't ready to leave it creates a pressure on the kidneys and overloads it. this will cause renal failure and even some quite cancer.
Some of the diseases also create a hindrance in urine passage, which includes:
Prostate, colon, cervical, bladder.
There are often other conditions also which may create a hindrance in urination:
Kidney stone, enlarged prostate, grume within the tract , or any quite damage within the tract .
There are often another issues as well:
Infection in your kidney
Drugs or alcohol
Overload of poisons within the kidney
Unmanaged Diabetes
Chemotherapy drugs.

How long are you able to accept kidney failure?
There is no exact answer to the present question because it varies from person to person. People can survive on dialysis depending upon the quantity of renal failure . It also depends upon the general health conditions.

How long are you able to accept end-stage kidney failure?
If an individual suffers from renal failure and doesn't choose dialysis then he/she may live for a few year. But if a patient stops dialysis then he/she may die within one week or two.

How is renal failure treatment done?
There are four options of treatment that a patient can choose from:
It is a treatment method which makes use of a machine to hold the blood out from the body via a filter, thereby removing toxic wastes and therefore the excess amount of fluid. This method helps to stay in restraint the vital sign levels and balance out the number of essential minerals within the blood like calcium, potassium, sodium and bicarbonate.
In this method the doctor will create an access point within the vessels to filter an enormous quantity of blood every treatment session. Blood are going to be carried back to the body with the assistance of a separate filter. Although Hemodialysis cannot cure the matter of renal failure it can surely offer temporary relief.
Peritoneal dialysis
This method makes use of the belly lining to filter the blood within the body and eliminate wastes within the process. Like Hemodialysis the aim of this method is to filter the toxic wastes and excess fluid from the body with the assistance of the peritoneum lining of the belly. during this method the surgeon will insert a tube within the belly only a couple of weeks before the start of treatment. The catheter or tube will permanently remain within the belly.
During the treatment a dialysis solution are going to be transferred into the belly through the tube from a bag. This solution remains in your body and soaks up the toxic chemicals and excess fluid. After a while the dialysis solution are going to be let loose from the body via the tube/catheter. This process called the exchange are going to be repeated variety of times.
Kidney transplantation:
It is a surgery which places a healthy kidney in situ of the damaged one. This new kidney is gathered from either a dead soul or from a living person. within the former case, the kidney is named a deceased donor kidney and therefore the latter a living donor kidney. The transplanted kidney is placed by the surgeon within the lower a part of the abdominal region and is connected to the artery.
Conservative management method:
The fourth and last method which emphasizes on using drugs rather than a dialysis or transplantation, so as to treat the explanations for renal failure like the condition of anemia.

Who is eligible for the treatment?
People who have reached the top stage of renal failure where the patient is losing about 80 percent of their kidney functioning capabilities and are having a glomerular filtration rate of 15 and above are eligible to travel for a dialysis treatment (either haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis). those that are affected by chronic renal failure and are already on dialysis treatment can choose a kidney transplantation surgery.

Who isn't eligible for the treatment?
Patients who are quite 70 years aged and diagnosed to be within the advanced stage of renal failure aren't eligible for a conservative management treatment option. For them a dialysis or transplantation treatment is important.

Are there any side effects?
The common side effects of haemodialysis treatment are infections like sepsis, low vital sign , itchiness, hernia, weight gain, muscle cramps and peritonitis. The side effects that patients mostly suffer from after undergoing Dianeal PD-1 or Peritoneal Dialysis solution are bleeding, peritonitis, catheter blockage, abdominal cramps, infections round the area where the catheter was inserted, high or low blood volume within the body.
A kidney transplant surgery can cause the increase of varied complications like infections, blood clots, bleeding, leaking or blockage of the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder, death, heart attacks or a possible stroke. The donated kidney may additionally fail or be rejected. Patients are prescribed variety of medicine to stop the body’s reaction to reject the donated kidney. These anti-rejection drugs resultantly cause some side effects like high vital sign , weight gain, high cholesterol, acne, osteoporosis and osteonecrosis, increased hair growth or increased hair fall and edema (puffiness).
You can also choose ayurvedic treatment of renal failure . for side effects free treatment.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?
When undergoing kidney transplant surgery you'll be required to follow certain post-treatment guidelines. After the surgery you'll be required to spend around five to seven days on a transplant unit. you'll even be kept under observation just in case of any infection and rejection of the donor kidney by the body. At this point you'll got to take variety of anti-rejection drugs as a precautionary measure against these possibilities.

How long does it fancy recover?
The time for recovery from a kidney dialysis treatment varies for each patient and is typically somewhere between 2 hours to 12 hours. In other cases it can take even longer.
For those that have gone for kidney transplantation the recovery time for a patient is about three to eight weeks after which an individual can resume normal activities. Any intense sort of exercise also as lifting of heavy objects is suggested to a patient who has had kidney transplantation only after six weeks.

What is the value of renal failure treatment in India?
The cost of a haemodialysis treatment is about 12-15, 000 Indian rupees per month where they need to travel for 12 haemodialysis sessions monthly . within the case of peritoneal dialysis it takes about 18- 20,000 rupees monthly . For a kidney transplant surgery it takes about 2-3 lakhs every years. And anti-rejection drugs cost about 1000-2000.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?
For dialysis there's no guarantee that the results of it'll be permanent. For people that are above 70 years aged and people who are already within the advanced stage of Chronic kidney disorder may need to travel for kidney transplantation just in case the dialysis treatments or the conservative management treatments fail. Similarly, those that have had kidney transplantation stand the prospect of facing donor kidney rejection by the body.

How to prevent kidney failure?
These are the measures which will be taken for kidney prevention: If you're taking any medication then you want to follow the instructions and don't take medicine in too high dose because it can make the extent of poisons within the body very high. Thus this makes the kidney overloaded and may cause renal failure .
You should manage your kidney properly because most of the renal failure happens when management isn't done properly. you'll adopt the subsequent measures so as to manage your kidney:
Healthy lifestyle
Taking your doctor’s advice seriously
Not overdosing the medication and taking them as prescribed
Keeping your vital sign and diabetes in check.

What is the simplest diet for persons affected by kidney failure?
This is the simplest diet for people affected by kidney failure:
People must avoid salt or sodium intake within the body
Instead of salt people must try other spices and herbs
Packaged food shouldn't be eaten because it contains a high level of sodium content.
Rinse the canned vegetables properly before eating.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?
In case you're diagnosed with Chronic kidney disorder you'll be ready to follow certain home remedies as an alternate to medical treatment do you have to not want to travel for it. The doctor will prescribe you to adopt a special diet where you'll be asked to avoid food items with salt. Also, you'll be asked to limit protein intake per day. And you ought to also take food items that are low in potassium.