Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

How to do Caring for Infants (0-1 yrs)?
For a neonate , the initial one year is extremely crucial for his or her physical and mental development. this is often the amount you've got take a special care of the baby in terms of the diet, hygiene, physical growth, etc. There are a couple of tips to require a special care of a neonate especially until he or she turns 1: Breast milk is that the only food for first six month of life because it serves all the requirements of baby during this era . Although, between 6 and 12 months aged , breast milk should still be a crucial source of nutrition but with other solid food, the baby will study new tastes and textures. Baby should be fed slowly & patiently and will be encouraged to undertake new tastes but without force. Regular massage with oil suggested by your doctor may be a vital activity for the baby for his or her physical growth and particularly strengthening of bone. Never shake your baby because it could also be harmful for his weak neck muscles that aren't yet ready to support his head. Always make the baby to sleep on his back to stop sudden sudden infant death syndrome syndrome Do not allow anyone to smoke near your baby Talk to your baby and answer when your baby makes sounds by repeating the sounds and adding words so on help him learn the language and recognise your voice and sounds. Music will really help within the brain development of your baby so, sing to your baby and play music. Play together with your baby when he's alert and particularly after feeding. Last but not least, lookout of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally as baby's health, very importantly, depends upon mom's health. Important points in Caring for Infants (0-1 yrs) Your baby's nutritional health depends upon how you feed him. Doctors suggest that breast milk is that the only food and excellent food for a baby's gastrointestinal system for first six month of life because it serves all the requirements of baby during this era . Breast milk has all the nutrients that a newborn needs. All the components that it contains like lactose, protein (whey and casein), and fat are easily digested. Breast milk also helps protect babies from various infectious illnesses, including diarrhea and respiratory infections and reduces the probabilities that a toddler will become overweight or obese.

When do you have to feed a newborn?
During the primary weeks of life, your neonate will got to be fed about 8 to 12 times per day. Though, in beginning, breastfeeding are often up to 10–15 minutes on each breast by mother afterwards the timing are often adjusted as necessary. Another important thing is Breastfeeding should be consistent with the demand or to be specific, when your baby is hungry, which is usually every 1–3 hours. It’s up to mother that she recognises with baby's activities and timing, when he's hungary. A baby may give some signs whenever he's hungary, such as: Crying Opening his mouth Sticking out his tongue Moving his head from side to side Placing his hands and fists to the the mouth.

Why is regular massage necessary for newborn?
Baby massage may be a gentle process of expressing your love and special look after your baby. Massage may be a process of giving rhythmic stroking to your baby's body with hands. Massage helps in soothing the baby and help him to sleep. While giving a massage to your baby, you'll use oils or a moisturizer (after consulting your doctor) which can assist you gently manipulate your baby's ankles, wrists and fingers. Massage helps your baby to develop mentally, socially and physically. aside from helping your baby to sleep better, massage also make him more relaxed and not get upset and cry.