Medically reviewed by Dr. Md Sazzadul Huque

What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension, in simple term known as high blood pressure is a common health problem. High blood pressure makes your heart work harder, against increased resistance, with every heartbeat. If you do not get treated for your hypertension treated, you are at a higher risk for heart attack, heart failure, stroke, or kidney failure. To understand hypertension better, here is the definition of blood pressure. So, blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood through your body.

Hypertension often has no symptoms. Sometimes, it is diagnosed after complications develop like shortness of breath, chest tightness, headache and vision changes. Most people may not know that they have high blood pressure.
Family history of hypertension, diet especially in salt, overweight and lifestyle habits like smoking can affect your blood pressure.
Certain medical problems like thyroid or kidney disease, may cause blood pressure to rise.
Also, some medicines, can raise blood pressure.
Some pregnant women can develop high blood pressure during pregnancy. This usually goes away after the birth of the baby, but sometimes it can linger.

The best way to diagnose high blood pressure or hypertension is to have your blood pressure measured with a pressure cuff machine called sphygmomanometer.
According to new guideline by American Heart Association
Normal blood pressure: Systolic 120 or less mmHg and diastolic is 80 or less mmHg
Hypertension or high blood pressure:
• Stage 1: Systolic 130 to 139 mmHg or diastolic 80 to 89 mmHg
• Stage 2: Systolic at least 140 mmHg or diastolic at least 90 mmHg

These lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve the better quality of life.
- Food: Avoids salt, high fat and processed foods. Eat a well-balanced diet. Whole-food and plant-based reduces the risk of heart disease.
- Drink: Stay hydrated and limit alcohol consumption.
- Exercise: At least take brisk walk for 30-minute a day for five days a week (or more) to improve health of the heart.
- Relax. Reduce and manage your stress and tension especially by breathing techniques.
- Weight: Get to and maintain a healthy weight to help take strain off your heart. Losing just a few kgs can significantly reduce blood pressure.
Smoking: Quit smoking. This is one of the most important lifestyle changes that can improve your health almost immediately.