Medically reviewed by Dr. Md Sazzadul Huque

What Is Cancer?
Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells which have the tendency to multiply in an uncontrolled manner and at times even metastasize. These cells might transform into tumors which can be benign or cancerous. A cancerous tumor can grow and spread to other parts of the body but a benign tumor can only grow and not spread to other parts of the body.

Types Of Cancer
Cancer is not a single disease but a group of 100 diseases. Cancer is of innumerable types and doctors name them based on where they began. There are numerous types of cancer but, the four main types of cancer are;
- Carcinomas: Carcinomas are a type of cancer that begins in the skin cells or in the tissue lining the internal organs. Carcinomas are also able to metastasize and are the most common type of cancer. Prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer are few of the types of carcinomas found among people.
- Sarcomas: Sarcomas are a rare type of cancer that affects the soft connective tissues like, fat, muscle, blood vessels, deep skin tissue, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
- Leukemia: Leukemia is the cancer of blood or bone marrow caused by the overproduction of damaged white blood cells. Leukemia is of four types – acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia.
- Lymphomas: Lymphomas are the cancer of lymph systems and starts in the lymphocytes, which is a type of white blood cell. There are two types of lymphomas – Hodgkin disease and Non Hodgkin Lymphomas.
Diagnosis: The main screening tests prescribed by a doctor for the diagnosis of cancer are Colonoscopy, Mammography and Pap test. Sometimes the doctors also order biopsy to make a diagnosis.

Cancer Treatment:
Cancer is both emotionally and physically exhaustive and so is its treatment. There are innumerable therapies that a doctor can prescribe when cancer is detected. Cancer treatments mainly depend on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. The varied types of treatments made available for cancer are;
- Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of chemical drugs meant to destroy cancer cells. Its effectiveness depends on the stage of cancer and patients can experience adverse side effects and need to consult their doctor.
- Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy utilizes the body’s immune system to fight off cancer.
- Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to control and kill cancer cells.
- Personalized and Targeted therapies: In this therapy, specific cancer genes, proteins or the tissue environment is targeted that contributes to the growth of the cancer.
- Surgery: Surgery is the oldest form of cancer treatment and involves removal of cancerous tissue from the body.
- Integrative Medicine: Integrative medicine is the combination of various cancer treatments and complementary therapies to help cope with cancer.
Other medical treatment and therapies used in the treatment of cancer include – Stem Cell Transplant, Hyperthermia, Photodynamic Therapy, Blood transfusion and Donation and Laser Treatment.

About Nursing For Cancer Care At Home Services
Cancer treatment is a long and complex process and it can be stressful to both the patient and their family members. And in this situation home healthcare is not only convenient but also appropriate for the patient to have constant family support and presence for the entire course of cancer treatment. Cancer care at home is increasingly being offered by several home healthcare providers like Priyojon Healthcare Ltd. that is known to offer quality nursing care plans for chemotherapy as part of their cancer care at home services.
Some of the cancer treatments that can be easily carried out at home are IV infusions, Chemotherapy, IV antibiotics, Sub – Q injections and IM injections, so consult your Oncologist and if possible get a cancer care at home service to heal at the comfort of your home.
Nursing care plan for chemotherapy for a patient undergoing chemotherapy can help the patient get great relief. An oncology nurse not only provides nursing care for cancer patients but also educates and encourages the patient to lead a positive and happy life.
We at Priyojon have a team of trained and caring oncology nurses to provide optimum cancer care and even terminal cancer care at home. Skilled oncology nurses for chemotherapy carry out a range of nursing care for cancer patients like reviewing health history, administering medications and chemotherapy, keeping a record and track pathological, laboratory and imaging studies, assessing and monitoring your emotional and physical status, regular communication with an Oncologist on patient’s behalf.
Priyojon’s cancer care at home service offers a comprehensive cancer care plan ranging from chemotherapy nursing care to palliative care and terminal cancer care at home health.
Not only will they offer nursing care for cancer patients but will educate the family members about the treatment and care and importance of all kinds of support that a patient would need during the course of their fight with cancer.
So if you are looking for nursing care for cancer patients, simply get in touch with us and we will provide the best nursing care plan for chemotherapy at the comfort of your home.

Benefits Of Getting Nursing For Chemotherapy At Home:
With at-home nursing service for chemotherapy, you no more need to travel to and fro from the hospital for chemotherapy care. Skilled nurses will visit you at home and take the right care of your chemotherapy treatment. So, this will help you save your precious energy, time, and money and help you receive quality chemotherapy treatment care in the comfort of your home without any concerns.
If any of your family members need chemotherapy and you are away from home for work, you need not worry about your dear one at home with efficient at-home nursing service. Caring nurses would visit the patient at home and provide the necessary chemotherapy treatment care ensuring the best possible comfort of the patient, even in your absence. So, you can stay assured about the health and well-being of your dear family member by relying on at-home nursing service for chemotherapy.
If you or any of your family members need medical assistance for chemotherapy treatment care when the conditions outdoors are hostile, simply call at-home nursing service and one of the caring nurses will visit you at your place of abode to provide you chemotherapy treatment in the comfort of your home. For instance, if you need nursing for chemotherapy when the conditions are hostile, such as heavy rains, sudden drop in the temperature, or any other unfavorable condition, that prevents you from traveling to the hospital, calling at-home nursing service would be the best solution.
Chemotherapy Nurse At Home Healthcare Agency
So, if you need nursing for chemotherapy at home anytime, call us and receive the best nursing assistance for the same conveniently at home.