Medically reviewed by Shirjoy Caregiver

What is abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is pain that appear on and around the abdominal area. Abdominal pain is discriminated by unlimited and drawback pain. Abdominal pain can be fatal, catastrophic and sharp. In the duration of abdominal pain you can feel serious illness.

What types of abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain can be described in two parts. One is localized and another is Cramp-like. Localized pain is found in fixed area of the abdomen. This type of pain is often occurred by a particular limb. In this part, the main important reason is stomach ulcers (open wound on the inner lining of the stomach). Cramp –like pain may be accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence or bloating. For women, this type can be related to menstruation, miscarriage, and difficulties in female generative organs. Without treatment, it may be recover complete. It comes and goes easily.

What causes abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain can be occurred by many conditions. However, the main reasons are included in the below: 1. Irritable bowel symptom (IBS): For the unknown reasons, those with IBS are less capable to digest different foods. It is the primary symptom for the many people with IBS and they can recover easily after the bowel movement. It have many symptoms are gas, nausea, bloating, and cramping. 2. Gastroenteritis ( stomach flu) It seems to main reasons for Abdominal pain. It associated with nausea, vomiting, and loose stools. After eating, fluid-filled stools will be occurring more and more frequently. In this time, Bacteria and Virus affect more and syndromes usually resolve within a few days. If the syndromes are lasting longer than two days, it may be a serious health problem such as infection and inflammatory conditions. In this time we find many common syndromes. Common symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal cramping, bloating, gas etc. 3. Gastritis When the stomach becomes swollen, Nausea, vomiting, and bloating are the common symptoms of gastritis. Abdominal pain may be occurred by gastritis. It occurred many times in a month. 4. Food Intolerances If the body is not capable to digest food materials, then they are broken down stomach bacteria and intestinal. After this reason, in the abdomen the gas are raising freely. So that, large amounts of undigested materials are produced a lot of gas and causing pressure and pain. 5. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) It is a long-term condition that involves constant acid reflux. It can make abdominal pain, heartburn and nausea. This disease is common problem, but treatment is available anywhere. 6. Menstrual cramps Menstruation can cause inflammation and pain in the abdomen. In this time, bloating and constipation can affect abdominal drawback. Who have endometriosis; she may more severe and catastrophic pain. Endometriosis is condition which tissue that grows normally in the uterus and develops in the other part of the body. 7. Urinary tract infection By the bacteria, Urinary tract infections are caused often. Urinary tract can affect the kidney, bladder. Symptoms include pain, pressure, and bloating in the lower abdominal area. Strong-smelling urine and painful urination are the main infection.

What are the symptoms of Abdominal Pain?
Vomiting Acid reflux Gas Crohn’s disease Celiac Disease Kidney infection hepatitis parasitic infection

How is the pretext of Abdominal pain Diagnosed?
Don’t worry, if you are feeling abdominal pain. Doctors determine the reason of abdominal pain by relying on: 1.Syndroms of the pain 2. Physical examination 3. Exam and endoscopy 4. Surgery and test

How can we protect Abdominal pain?
All forms of abdominal pain are not protectable. However, we can decrease the risk of abdominal pain by doing the following: 1. Drink water frequently. 2. Eat smaller meals. 3. Exercise every day. 4. Eat healthy and diet. If we have an intimate disorder, such as Cohn’s disease, we should follow the doctor’s advice in properly. And if we have GERD, we should not go bedtime after eating within two hours. After eating lay down quickly, it helps to prevent abdominal pain and heartburn.

Determinates of Abdominal Pain by Diagnosis
First of all the specialist performs tests such as X-ray, endoscopy, enemas, blood test, Urine test and etc. By the taking history of Patient, the doctors determine the cause of pain. In this time the doctor will ask questions to type of pain, its location, pattern, and duration. Associated signs and symptoms, such as fever, diarrhea, or bleeding also are considered.

Treatment for Abdominal Pain
We know that, treatment starts on the radix reason of the pain. After swallowing antibiotics prescribed for GERD and inflammation, it may raise acutely. In this time, you will be perceiving catastrophic breathing, acute tenderness in and around the swelling abdomen, loose of appetite, nausea, hematemesis, higher fever and loos of weight. So that, you should contact with doctors very soon as much as possible.