Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

Chicken Pox: Facts you ought to Know
Chickenpox is caused by an epidemic called varicella zoster. Infection occurs after coming in touch with an infected person. it's the foremost infectious diseases. This virus is contagious to those around you for one or two days before your blisters appear. Varicella zoster viruses are contagious until all blisters get crusted. Itchy, red rash is that the classic sign of chickenpox: extremely itchy, blistery red rash that typically starts on the face and trunk spreading to the remainder of the body, progressing from red bumps to fluid-filled blisters to scabs. Other symptoms are fever, headache and fatigue. It is highly contagious: spreads easily through the air when an individual with the virus sneezes or coughs. also can spread by touching the fluid from the blisters. An infected person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before he gets the rash all his blisters have formed scabs. Once exposed, it takes between 10 to 21 days to develop chickenpox. It is usually mild but are often very serious: Mostly mild but in some cases, it can cause serious complications like dehydration, pneumonia, bleeding, encephalitis, bacterial skin infections, toxic shock syndrome syndrome and bone and joint infections. Certain groups, including infants, teens, adults, pregnant women, and other people with weakened immune systems thanks to illness or medications are at higher risk of complications. Vaccine is your best defence against the defence: the ‘’total efficacy’’ rate is between 80 to 85 percent and in virtually one hundred pc of cases it'll prevent serious illness in otherwise healthy individuals. For the simplest protection, children (and adults) need two doses of the vaccine. You can usually manage your child’s symptoms at home: Acetaminophen relieves fever, Oatmeal baths and lotion can help lessen the itchiness, and Acyclovir can reduce the symptoms but is typically given in certain circumstances. Once someone has chickenpox, he probably won't catch on again-but he could get a related disease called Shingles: After chickenpox, the varicella zoster virus that causes it remains within the body in an inactive state. The virus reactivates years later, causing Shingles. the danger increases with age. Shingles vaccine is suggested for age 60 or older.

What are the standard Signs or Symptoms of Chickenpox?
Signs and symptoms of chicken pox includes : Fever Loss of Appetite Headache Tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell(malaise) Once the rash appears, it goes through three phases: Raised red bumps with breakouts after few days Small fluid-filled blisters which later break and leak Crusts and scabs cover the blisters and take several days to heal. New bumps still appear for several days then all three phases-bumps, blisters and scabs appear at an equivalent time. In severe cases, the rash may spread everywhere the body and lesions may form in throat, eyes, mucous membranes of urethra, anus and vagina. it's very itchy and may make children feel miserable albeit not too serious and it's usually much worse in adults.

What are the Causes of Chickenpox?
Chicken Pox caused by an epidemic called varicella zoster. Infection occurs after coming in touch with an infected person. it's the foremost infectious diseases. This virus is contagious to those around you for one or two days before your blisters appear. Varicella zoster viruses are contagious until all blisters get crusted. The virus can spread through: Saliva Coughing Sneezing contact with fluid from the blisters Anyone who has not been exposed may contract the virus. Risk increases when: You had recent contact with an infected person You are under 12 years aged . You are an adult living with infected children You have hung out in class or child-care facility with infected cases. Your system is compromised thanks to illness or medications.

How to Stop Chickenpox from Spreading on the Body?
The procedure to prevent chicken pox from spreading everywhere the body are as follows: Keep children off nursery or school until all the spots have crusted over. Keep the nails trimmed to avoid bursting the blisters. Apply lotion to assist reduce itching. Wear mittens to stop scratching. Serve sugar-free popsicles to appease mouth sores which appear as a results of lesions within the mouth which are very painful. Bath in Oatmeal: soothing and itch-relieving. Take bicarbonate of soda baths: itch-relieving. Use chamomile compresses: antiseptic and anti inflammatory effects. What are the Ways for Chickenpox Diagnosis? The chicken pox is usually diagnosed first and foremost by the distinctive rash. Blood test: If you or your child has been exposed to chickenpox, your doctor may order a test to ascertain if you or they're already immune from chicken pox. this is often called the immunity test. this is often a biopsy that checks whether you're producing the antibodies to the virus. If the test shows antibodies, you'll be naturally shielded from the virus. If you do not have the antibodies, then you'll got to be monitored closely to ascertain if you develop symptoms. Viral culture: sometimes a culture is completed rather than a biopsy .A sample of fluid is taken from the blister and sent to the lab, where the specimen is allowed to grow. After a period of your time , it’s checked for the varicella-zoster virus. Results of this would possibly not come until the virus has already run its course.

What is Chickenpox Treatment?
Chicken pox Treatment in Children: If you or your child is at high risk of developing complications of chickenpox, doctors may prescribe acyclovir or intravenous immunoglobulin. These may lessen the severity of chicken pox if given within 24 hours of developing the rash first. In some cases, vaccine maybe suggested after exposure to stop or lessen the severity. Antibiotics could also be prescribed for skin infections and pneumonia. Encephalitis could also be treated with antiviral drugs. Hospitalisation is typically necessary. Avoid scratching: Put gloves on his/her hands in the dark especially. Also trim their nails. Relieve the itch and other symptoms: cool bath with added bicarbonate of soda , aluminium acetate, uncooked oatmeal. Apply lotion dabbed on the spots. Antihistamines like diphenhydramine for itching. Acetaminophen for fever. Isolating the kid in avoiding the spread of the infection. Chicken pox Treatment in Adults Chickenpox symptoms in adults typically resemble those in children, but they will become more severe. The treatment includes: Calamine lotion dabbed on the spots Colloidal oatmeal baths to alleviate itching Medicines : a pain reliever, medicine to scale back fever and antibiotics for controlling infection. In some cases, vaccine maybe suggested after exposure to stop or lessen the severity. Isolation to avoid spreading of infection. Read More: best Treatment of Chickenpox

What Food to Eat and What to Avoid During Chicken Pox?
Foods to Avoid: Salty foods - they'll a sore mouth and should worsen issues like dehydration. Fatty foods - Foods high in saturated fat cause inflammation which may slow the healing of the irritated area. Spicy foods - They irritate the oral sores. Foods to Eat: Juices and tea: Loss of appetite is common in these patients resulting in dehydration then immunity-boosting juices are helpful during this . Other drinks are cinnamon, chamomile and basil herbal teas to spice up system . Fruits: Those with immune-boosting vitamin C are the simplest for affected individuals. But if the patient has blisters within the mouth, avoid fruits with acidic juices as they cause irritation and pain. Ice-lollies: soothing to the oral ulcers. Read More: Chicken pox Diet for Quick Recovery.

How to Prevent Chickenpox Naturally?
Ways of preventing the chicken pox naturally: Keeping immunity strong: by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, doing exercise, quitting exercise, practicing good hygiene and taking dietary supplements. Avoid adults and youngsters with chickenpox: Sequestering your affected child in their room while keeping them well fed and hydrated and keeping them off schools or nursery, making them wear a mask, keeping their nails trimmed. Disinfect your house and hands: Regularly disinfecting countertops, tables, arms of chairs, toys and other surfaces which can have are available contact with an infected person may be a good precautions . Giving over a toilet solely to the infected person while he's ill must be considered. Also disinfecting hands repeatedly by washing them with soap. Also using natural disinfectants like vinegar, juice , and salt, diluted peroxide , etc. is additionally vital instead of using synthetic ones. ensuring all the linen employed by an infected individual is correctly cleaned and disinfected is important . Never rub mucus membranes after touching an infected person. Using natural anti-viral compounds as supplements like vitamin C , olive leaf extract, garlic, oregano oil, colloidal silver.