Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

What is Eczema?
In eczema condition, skin patches turn inflamed, red, itchy, cracked and rough. Some people develop blisters. The us holds a high ratio of eczema people. There are differing types and stages. Eczema specifically talks about atopic eczema which is that the commonest sort of eczema. Atopic means a gaggle of ailments involving the system , including atopic eczema , pollinosis and asthma. Dermatitis is that the inflammatory condition of the skin. For most infants, this condition outgrows in their tenth year whereas some people still have symptoms on and off throughout their life. People with proper treatment can have good control over the disease. Living with eczema is basically challenging and it can range from mild, moderate to severe. Eczema develops on the cheeks and chin in infants, but it can appear anywhere within the body. Even adults can develop with this condition albeit it had been not from their childhood.

What are the Symptoms of Eczema?
It is important to recollect that eczema and its symptoms differ from person to person. There are some common symptoms of eczema as followed: The very first symptom is intense itching Later, the rash appears with reddishness, develops with bumps of various sizes The itches may have a burning sensation, especially in thin skin like eyelids It may start oozing and become crusty when scratched Prolonged rubbing causes thickened plaques within the skin in adults Over time, painful cracks may appear The scalp problem could also be rarely involved Eyelids will turn itchy, puffy and reddish The itching sensation may disturb the sleep pattern Fungal infections like ringworm, viral infections like herpes and molluscum are more common symptoms in people with eczema

What is the most explanation for Eczema?
The exact explanation for eczema isn't known yet. atopic eczema is that the commonest type resembles an allergy whereas the skin irritation is higher in children than in adults which isn't an allergy . However, the combined factors that cause eczema is found to be Abnormality within the system Genetic factors Defects within the skin that permits germs in and moisture out Activities that make the skin to be more sensitive and therefore the environment A poor skin barrier allows irritants, allergens, viruses and bacteria easily The skin’s barrier ability becomes diminished when eczema affects an individual Types of Eczema: Allergic dermatitis (eczema) - A skin reaction which occurs with contact to a far off substance. Contact eczema - this happens when the skin comes into contact with a particular allergen. Dyshidrotic eczema - Irritation of the skin on the soles of the feet and palms and is characterized by tiny blisters. Neurodermatitis - Scaly and itchy patches on the lower legs, wrists, forearms and hands. Nummular Eczema - Circular patches which are itchy, scaly and crusty. Seborrheic Eczema - Yellowish, scaly and oily ptches of skin occur on the face and scalp. Stasis Dermatitis - This disorder is typically associated with circulatory problems and is characterized by skin irritation on the lower legs.

What is the simplest Treatment For Eczema?
Some of the ways through which eczema are often prevented are as follows: Intense perspiration and overheat can trigger eczema outbreaks. Avoid heat environment and keep your bedroom always cool. Stress may increase outbreaks. Do physical exercises, yoga, meditation to avoid stress and stay relaxed Do not scratch the skin, gently rub the itching area Wear comfortable clothes especially choosing cotton dress allows your body to breathe well Do not expose to irritants and allergens Try to take a shower in lukewarm instead of predicament Use a light soap for bath and pat the skin rather than rubbing Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water that keeps your skin moist Use mild moisturizers

What is the Way For The Diagnosis of Eczema?
A detailed medical record will help to diagnose eczema. Besides, additional tests support the atopic eczema diagnosis. Blood Test: during this test, eosinophils levels & IgE antibody are going to be verified . Generally, atopic eczema and eczema people will have elevated levels of eosinophils and IgE. Skin Biopsy: Small pieces of skin is removed and tested for other diseases like low-grade carcinoma or psoriasis aside from atopic eczema . Buccal swabs: Tissues are swabbed from inside the cheek with a cotton applicator to get cells as a DNA source material to trace out for mutations within the filaggrin gene, one among the most causes of eczema. Other than the above, patch testing, skin allergy testing are going to be done from time to time.

What is the simplest Treatment For Eczema?
Eczema treatment is given four goals like controlling the itch, healing the skin, preventing flares and preventing infections. The treatment depends on the age, medical record and the way bad the symptoms are. Creams with hydrocortisone steroids help in relieving itching and reducing inflammation. they're available in several strengths from the OTC to the prescription medicines. NSAID ointment may be a new prescription non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory that's wont to treat mild to moderate eczema. it's advised to use twice each day and it's effective in reducing inflammation and helping the skin return to normal appearance. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections caused by scrubbing the skin. Antihistamines help in relieving itching symptoms during the already dark . Drugs help in reducing immunity like cyclosporine, methotrexate, and mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroid pills, shots, liquids are wont to reduce the flare-ups and itching. UV light therapy and PUVA therapy also are recommended.

How are you able to Get obviate Eczema Naturally?
Natural ways of treating eczema are as follows: Licorice root extract shows a promising reduction of itching. Adding a couple of drops of copra oil or itch cream gives extra benefits. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids help during the flare-up times to spice up immune function and speed up the healing process. Taking vitamin E accelerates healing by reducing inflammation and therefore the topical ointment relieves itching and prevents skin from scarring. Taking vitamin A rich food helps for skin improvement Calendula cream heals skin cuts, burns and inflammation. It improves blood flow within the affected area, helps in hydrating the skin and fights against infection Alternative treatments like hypnosis, acupuncture reduce stress and anxiety levels

What Foods to Avoid if you've got Eczema?
Though food directly doesn't become involved with the condition still, it flares up the symptoms. The common foods to avoid are soy, nuts, eggs, citrus, gluten, tomatoes, and dairy products since they appear to possess allergic among the affected people. Preservatives and artificial ingredients also aggravate the symptoms and such foods are going to be high in Trans fats like margarine, processed food. High sugary items like cakes, some smoothies, burgers induce the inflammation. People with dyshidrotic eczema should avoid nickel rich foods like lentils, black tea, beans, shellfish, pears, green apples. it's always good to eat well-balanced food and avoid triggers whichever you personally feel.