Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

How is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment done?
Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD refers to a psychological state condition which is triggered thanks to a terrifying life event either by witnessing it or experiencing it. Symptoms of Post traumatic stress disorder include severe anxiety, nightmares and flashbacks. people that undergo traumatic events can have difficulty coping or adjusting, but with self care and time, the symptoms generally recover . If these symptoms go to pot , interfere together with your day to day activities or lasts for months, then you would possibly have PTSD. The symptoms of PTSD can start within a month of a particularly traumatic event, but in some cases, the symptoms won't appear until a few years after the event. These symptoms might cause problems in your relationships, work situation or social life. These memories also can cause you to unable to try to to your routine or daily tasks. Post traumatic stress disorder are often caused by a spread of things like stressful experiences, trauma in your life, psychological state issues, inherited features like your temperament, chemical and hormones released by your brain. Having a case history of psychological state problems, having depression or anxiety and facing childhood abuse can double the danger of Post traumatic stress disorder in a private . Post traumatic stress disorder are often treated by cognitive therapy, desensitization technique or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The EMDR therapy is extremely effective because it combines guided eye movement along side desensitization technique .

Who is eligible for the PTSD treatment?
Firstly, Post traumatic stress disorder has got to be diagnosed by your doctor so as to treat it. Your health care provider will perform a physical exam to see any medical problems which will trigger PTSD. this is often followed by a psychological evaluation which incorporates discussion of your symptoms, the doctor might ask you about events which can have triggered traumatic events in your life. After diagnosing Post traumatic stress disorder, your doctor can recommend you EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. This therapy may be a psychotherapy approach which has already been extensively researched and is proven to be very effective for treating PTSD. EMDR contains tons of ordinary protocols which includes elements from various treatment approaches. This treatment option usually combines a series of eye movements along side desensitization technique , in order that your traumatic memories and your reaction to those memories also change. EMDR features a different effect on how the brain processes traumatic information. After a successful session of EMDR, the patient not relives feelings, sounds and pictures when the traumatic event is delivered to mind. The memory of the event remains there, but it becomes less upsetting. EMDR is extremely almost like what happens during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep or dreaming. EMDR may be a physiological therapy which helps an individual see traumatic material in their life during a much less distressing way that before. There are 8 phases of this treatment namely, treatment planning, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation, body scan, closure and re-evaluation. EMDR has helped 1,000,000 people of all age groups to alleviate psychological stress.

Who isn't eligible for the PTSD treatment?
EMDR are often useful for people that have had personality disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, sexual assault , physical abuse, addictions, performance anxiety, pain disorders, phobias, disturbing memories, dissociative disorders, complicated grief and panic attacks.

Are there any side effects of PTSD treatment?
EMDR therapy should only be continued if other sorts of therapy like desensitization technique and cognitive therapy don’t seem to form a difference. Many doctors also prescribe medications for PTSD. However, medications doesn’t add some cases, in such conditions EMDR is extremely helpful for complete recovery.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?
Side effects from EMDR therapy are extremely rare but sometimes it can occur. Certain complications like unprocessed memories can come to the surface and cause stress, patients can have intense emotional reactions and physical sensations during the EMDR session or EMDR won't work to fight symptoms of PTSD.

How long does it fancy recover?
Unlike other therapies which specialise in altering emotions, responses and thoughts resulting from disturbing experiences, EMDR focuses on your memory and intends to vary the way the memory is stored inside the brain. This eliminates problematic symptoms of PTSD. in any case the 8 phases are over, you'll return back to your routine activities in no time and practise the talents taught within the therapy regularly.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?
EMDR gives results sooner than other sorts of therapy, speed isn't a problem . Before the treatment, it's important to know that each person is different. Reaction and recovery of every patient is different because everyone has varied needs. Some patients may take every week to determine trust while other patients may proceed quickly through all the phases. Treatment is however not complete until this therapy has successfully focused on the memories that contribute to triggering PSTD. This therapy ends with deciding which skill the patient might need within the future to combat anxiety.