Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo may be a disease caused by the destruction of the skin’s melanocytes in certain areas of the body. Patients affected by this disease are seen with Pieris rapae spots on the skin in any location of the body. Vitiligo are often localized and focal in one area, or it's going to be found in several areas on the body. Vitiligo may be a dermatological condition that's characterized by white patches of skin on several parts of the body. The condition is caused thanks to the destruction of melanocytes which are the cells that are liable for skin pigmentation. it's going to even be thanks to autoimmune thyroid disease. The condition could also be mild with one or two spots or could also be severe with depigmentation in larger areas of skin. it's common in people with autoimmune disorders, isn't contagious, and isn't always progressive within the affected persons. Vitiligo may be a long-term skin condition that can't be cured.

What are the causes of Vitiligo?
Although the precise cause for this skin depigmentation malady remains unknown, it's believed that this illness happens, when the patient’s system mistakenly attacks and destroys certain cells within its own body. Hence this disease arises out of an autoimmune condition within the patient’s body. Generally, people develop this illness before their age of 40, and out of them half the people develop this condition even before they're in their 20s. Experts say that this disease can have a genetic component in it since it's been observed that vitiligo run on members of the family. However, experts on this disease also are of the opinion, that vitiligo also can occur due to associated medical conditions, like dysfunction of the thyroid glands.

What are the symptoms for Vitiligo?
White patches on the skin totally on the foot, face, hands, lip and a number of other places. Sensitivity to sunlight Emotional and psychological distress Small white spots on navel, armpits, groin, genitals and near the rectal area How to diagnose Vitiligo? It has been observed that there's no way by which the doctors can predict whether this depigmentation of the skin will remain confined in one location or spread everywhere the patient’s body.Skin Biopsy: Small tissue of the affected area is taken and sent for biopsy to verify the matter . Blood Test: Little amounts of blood is collected to perform lab tests for the ultimate confirmation.

What are the varied sorts of Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is assessed into two types: Segmental vitiligo: it's less common and more noticed in early age groups. this sort of vitiligo is non-symmetrical. Non-segmental vitiligo occurs in 90 per cent of the affected persons and is symmetrical and are more common in areas that are regularly exposed to the sun. Non-Segmental vitiligo: While non-segmental vitiligo might not answer topical treatments, the more stable and fewer erratic segmental vitiligo responds quite well to topical treatments.

What is the simplest treatment for vitiligo?
There variety of treatments available to revive the color of the skin. But the results vary under different situations and sometimes are unpredictable. a number of the treatments can have various side effects and if your doctor has prescribed you any drug, surgery or therapy then the method takes months to point out its effectiveness.Sometimes if the treatment is successful then also the patches can come or new patches may reappear. There are not any medications which will treat vitiligo or bring back the pigment cells called melanocytes. But the skin tone are often restored by using a number of the creams or by doing light therapy. Cream controlling inflammation: To bring back color the skin tone corticosteroid cream are often applied but within the starting of the disease. This process takes time and there might not be any change within the complexion for several months. There are often a side effect on the skin like skin thinning or appearance of lines. Medicines affecting the immune system: Cream or ointment which contains tacrolimus or pimecrolimus could also be effective for the tiny area patches like and particularly for face and neck. Therapies Light and psoralen combination: This is the treatment which mixes substances derived from a plant known psoralen with light therapy which returns colours to the patches. After taking psoralen by applying it to the skin or by taking it orally you're exposed to the ultraviolet rays (UVA or UVB), thus giving better results to the drugs . Depigmentation If vitiligo is widespread then this treatment is beneficial . An agent for depigmentation is applied to the pigmented area of the skin which then gradually brightens and blends with the skin. The is completed for 9 months for one or two days. There are often side effects like swelling, itching, irritation, redness, and dry skin. Surgery Skin Grafting A small section of normal skin is taken out by the doctor then it's attached to the skin which has lost the pigmentation. This procedure is completed when there are small patches of vitiligo. Blister grafting In this process blisters are created by the doctor on your skin by the suction process then the highest of the blisters are removed and that they are transplanted to the discoloured skin.

Who would wish a vitiligo treatment?
Anyone who has been diagnosed with the condition can undergo treatment for vitiligo. Vitiligo may be a continual skin disease and differs within the intensity and magnitude in each patient. An expert should be consulted before choosing the treatment option. Although an entire cure for the condition isn't possible the treatments are often opted for to attenuate the visible effects of the skin condition. As in any illness or medical condition treating early will give pronounced results, vitiligo too, if treated early are often kept in check . Especially children and young adults should tend treatment on a diagnosis of the condition.

Who isn't eligible for the treatment?
Vitiligo is probably going to affect 1 per cent of the worldwide population, and therefore the condition may run in families. While the topical treatments and phototherapy are often offered to adults and young adults of all gender, the surgical options must be considered before undergoing the treatment. The surgeon will assess the patient’s conditions before suggesting the surgery of vitiligo. The surgery isn't an honest option for youngsters and for those that can scar easily. for youngsters , topical treatments can safely be opted for after a consultation with a dermatologist. Phototherapy with UVA radiation are often administered to a toddler of over 12 years aged . However, the risks and benefits are carefully weighed before going for the treatment.

What are the side effects of vitiligo treatment?
Different side effects are reported with different treatment options. within the case of topical corticosteroids and other topical creams, a possible serious side effect is skin atrophy. The skin becomes very thin, dry, and fragile and hence, the usage of topical creams has got to be discontinued after the prescribed period. Also, the patients got to be regularly monitored by the medical man . The oral medication, psoralen that increases the skin sensitivity to UV radiation may affect the eyes. Hence, eye examinations before and after the treatment are essential. Possible side effects of surgery include cobble-stone like skin and infection.

How long does it fancy recover?

Is Vitiligo curable or not?

What are the alternatives to vitiligo treatment?

Can you stop the spread of vitiligo?