Medically reviewed by Dr. Rabeya Afroz Shomi

What are Warts?
Warts are a growth on the skin that's caused by Human Papillomavirus . Usually, it occurs on broken skin because the virus can easily enter through the highest layer of the skin. In most of the cases, warts subside by themselves during a few months or years. Warts may grow on any a part of your body and that they can grow bigger and are susceptible to spread to other parts of the body also . The human system is sort of powerful to destroy the papillomavirus which results in the formation of warts. But they are available back after a year or two, demanding for treatment. Warts are sorts of virus-induced skin growth. The culprit, during this case, is a few variants of the HPV or the human papillomavirus. The skin’s top layer is typically affected and therefore the virus makes its way into the body through a patch of broken skin. As a results of the infection, the skin’s top layer experiences rapid climb leading to what's called a wart. Typically, warts wither away on their own within a span of a couple of months or years. All parts of the body are vulnerable to warts and that they are of various kinds too. Common warts are usually found on hands but may occur in other parts of the body too. The feet’s soles are the situation for plantar warts, another common sort of wart. Even though warts are normally harmless, they will be painful and irritable. Also, it's very irritating as warts grow bigger and begin spreading to other parts of the body. There are several ways of treating warts, and an expert can guide you well regarding the choices of treatment. the 2 most ordinarily chosen treatment options include strong chemical peels and freezing or Cryotherapy. within the case of the chemical peels, a robust concentration of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid is run by experts. Before determining which treatment would suit you the foremost , your doctor would consider the situation of the wart, the arising symptoms, and your personal preferences.

What are the various sorts of warts?
Types of warts: Common warts: this is often the sort of warts which usually grows at the fingers or toes of the person but there are possibilities that it can happen at the other place. the looks is round at the highest , grainy and rough. Normally common warts become grey in colour than the skin surrounding it. Plantar warts: They normally grow on the soles of the feet of the person but only grow within the skin but not out of that area. If an individual has plantar warts then walking becomes uncomfortable as there are small holes within the bottom of the foot and gets surrounded with the hard skin. Flat warts: They normally grow on the arms, face or thighs and are small in size which isn't noticeable usually. because the tops are scraped they're usually. they will be of the color pink, yellow or brown. Filiform warts: They grow surrounding the neck, mouth, nose, or under the chin. the dimensions of the filiform warts is little and shaped into a small flap or tag or skin. Filiform warts aren't noticeable as they're an equivalent colour because the skin. Periungual warts: These warts grow around or under the fingers or toenails. Periungual warts are painful and also affect the expansion of nails.

Are warts contagious?
Direct contact with HPV lets the condition propagate with ease. Suppose one person touches his wart then another part then that part too may develop warts. One must even be careful to not share personal items like razors, towels etc. with an individual with warts. the expansion of the skin is slow and it always months after the infection that the wart takes its a final shape. However, that doesn't mean each contact with HPV will end in warts. it's going to or might not occur. Some people are more vulnerable than others during this respect.

How to stop warts from spreading?
Warts are contagious and but they will be prevented from spreading but can't be stopped fully. These are a couple of ways during which warts are often prevented from spreading: Prevent warts from spreading person to person: Cleaning or washing hands regularly Do not touch the warts of the opposite people Keep warts clean and dry and will be kept disinfected Prevent warts from spreading to other parts of the body: Warts must be kept dry. Avoid warts at the time of shaving Warts must be kept covered Warts shouldn't be scrapped or scratched Tools like nail filer or picker shouldn't be used on the affected skin. Prevent warts from spreading from surface to person: Towels and private items shouldn't be shared Shoes must be worn publicly places like gyms, pools, locker rooms If there has been contact with someone else's warts then the world must be cleaned immediately.

What are the symptoms for warts?
Fleshy growth A tiny bump

How warts are diagnosed?
Doctors especially dermatologists can tell if a skin growth may be a wart just by having a glance at it. the standard practice is to require a sample and conduct a skin biopsy. this is often usually wiped out cases where there's a scarcity of clarity on the expansion being a wart. Other reasons behind skin biopsy include that the expansion is darker than it’s surrounding skin or is an irregular transdermal patch or is amid bleeding or is excessively large or is growing too fast.

How to treat a wart?
Warts usually don't need specialized medical treatment. But sometimes they'll cause pain or spread to other areas. In such situations doctors, usually do the following: Recommend Home Remedies like duct tapes or 2-hydroxybenzoic acid which are available even within the absence of prescriptions Put a robust medicine on the infected growth or injecting it with medicines Freeze the offending growth which is named cryotherapy Warts can also be removed through surgery Treatment of warts isn't always successful. Even after warts are subdued the may recur or maybe spread to previously unaffected areas. this is often thanks to the very fact that the virus is incurable and only the wart is destroyed. the first objective of warts treatment is to destroy warts. It also encourages the system to fight back the virus in order that any future occurrences are often mitigated. The peeling treatment includes 2-hydroxybenzoic acid concentrations in prescribed strengths. It is administered in little amounts within the affected area which gradually remove the warts layer by layer. Freezing therapy is yet one more sort of warts treatment where nitrogen is applied to the affected area. It results in the formation of a blister around and under the wart. Afterwards, the dead tissue falls away within a few of days. Cryotherapy is chosen by many doctors since it trains the system to make an antibody for fighting viral warts. it's found that the mixture of 2-hydroxybenzoic acid and freezing therapy can give the foremost effective results. In some instances, 2-hydroxybenzoic acid can't be used thanks to resistance or allergy of the patient. Doctors may try trichloroacetic or bi chloroacetic acid if 2-hydroxybenzoic acid is unable to supply desired results.

Who would wish a wart removal treatment?
Any individual who wants to urge obviate warts may consider the freezing or salicylic treatment for removal of warts. albeit adults can manage warts, children often get hurt by picking or biting warts which cause excessive pain and irritation. But before choosing anything, it's recommended to consult an expert who can guide you better. albeit 2-hydroxybenzoic acid treatment or Cryotherapy might not work for a specific patient, then the expert can suggest viable alternatives like laser therapy.

Who isn't eligible for the treatment?
The treatment for warts can't be easy and effective for a few people, especially those that are pregnant, susceptible to allergies and have an excessive risk of infection. Plus, some people aren't ready to tolerate the pain related to these treatments. people that have developed warts in areas that are very sensitive might not be ready to take the wart treatment. this is often because the treatment affects the skin surrounding warts and in some cases, the world in close vicinity cannot bear the consequences , as an example , the skin near the eyes.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?
The post-treatment care depends on the tactic that has been administered to the patient. Most doctors begin the treatment with the smallest amount painful methods, and it's important to follow the instructions given by the expert. The burning and stinging sensation are often alleviated with the utilization of ice packs. And to reduce the pain caused by the treatment, the patient would tend painkillers to assist ease the discomfort.

Can warts be prevented?
Warts prevention: One shouldn't devour the warts Warts must be covered with bandages. Keeping your hand and feet dry Hands must be washed regularly and warts must not be touched and hands must be washed after touching them. If employing a common bathroom then bathroom slippers or flipflops must be worn.

How to get obviate warts?
These are the ways during which we will get obviate warts: Freezing: it's also referred to as cryotherapy during which nitrogen is employed by doctors to freeze warts and therefore the temperature can get as low as negative. The treatment also can be painful because the spray must be applied for a extended time. When the treatments start affecting the world the dead tissue falls down in one or fortnight . Cantharidin: this is often often the substance which is extracted from the bristle beetle then this is applied to the skin or area which is suffering from warts. After the appliance of cantharidin, it's not left open but covered with a bandage thus lifting off the skin surrounding wart. Salicylic acids: this will be in several forms like gel ointment or pads and are used as over the counter wart treatment and contain 2-hydroxybenzoic acid . When the 2-hydroxybenzoic acid is often applied on skin it dissolves down the wart tissue during a few weeks. Minor surgery: sometimes warts can't be removed with the assistance of other surgeries. Thus surgery is employed to chop down the wart. an electrical needle or cryosurgery is employed to destroy the bottom of the wart. Laser surgery: during this intense beam of sunshine is employed so as to destroy the wart tissue.

What are the alternatives to HPV treatment?
Besides the traditional wart treatments, there are other methods of treating warts also . These include an application of cantharidin on warts. most people don’t feel any discomfort during this process, but some blistering may start after 3 to eight hours. If warts don't subside after one treatment, the expert would suggest another session. differently is burning warts, but it's not recommended since it leaves behind significant scars. But it's the sole answer for warts that haven't skilled other treatments. Cryosurgery is that the surgical option which helps within the removal of warts without affecting the skin around.