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Posted at 10-02-2020

Uterine fibroids are firm, compact benign tumors which are made from smooth muscle cells and fibrous animal tissue that originate within the uterus (womb). Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. Although it's not clearly known what causes fibroids, it's believed that every tumor develops from an aberrant muscle fiber&nbs ...read more

Posted at 10-02-2020

Abnormal uterine bleeding, also referred to as dysfunctional uterine bleeding, is vaginal bleeding that can't be associated with pelvic injuries, miscarriage, pregnancy or cycle . it's an important flow of the blood between the periods of a women. a number of the symptoms of this disease are: the cycle changes and therefore the bleeding of the uterine become heavie ...read more

Posted at 10-02-2020

Pelvic organ prolapse may be a sort of disorder that affects many ladies . It happens when pelvic organs become loose or weak. These pelvic organs are bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel and rectum. thanks to this condition pelvic organs may pack up properly and cause disorders like enuresis , anal incontinence, etc. These organ prolapse caused by labor, constipation, obesity, ...read more

Posted at 10-02-2020

A cervical smear a test administered which is important for early cancer detection in women. The test not only screens for cervical cancer in women but is additionally designed to detect abnormal cells within the cervix so as to work out the patient’s predisposition for developing cancer. A cervical smear involves taking cells from your cervix and testing them for ...read more