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Posted at 07-04-2020

What is the treatment of Colds? Cold or also referred to as common cold is a viral infection which impacts the nose and the throat of the person. It’s a mild viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat). It is considered to be harmless and many viruses can cause this common type of cold. The discharge from the nose becomes yellow or green and maybe thicker as the cold runs. This is a very common type of infe ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

Diabetes refers to the condition when there is an excess of glucose in your body. Though glucose is beneficial for the proper functioning of the body, an excess can lead to serious consequences. Over the years, diabetes has emerged as one of the fatal diseases, one that once developed has no known cure. This condition is preceded by various perceptible symptoms, some of them are Insatiable thirst: The onset of diabetes is almost a ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

Why should people with diabetes be extra careful of their Heart Health? What’s the connection? Diabetes is considered one of the major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  A Study conducted shows that around 65% of diabetic patients die from heart disease or stroke. The connection between diabetes and heart disease starts with high blood sugar levels. With continued high blood sugar le ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

Panic disorder is a condition that strikes without reason or caution and can be serious. Indications of panic disorder usually include sudden attacks of panic and anxiety, in addition to physical side effects, such as sweating and a pounding heart. During a fit of panic, the reaction is based on the circumstances, which may not be threatening in general, but triggers a feeling of panic. After some time, a person with a panic d ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

While we all wish to avoid Emotional Distress due to the sense of loss and fear attached to it, we invariably become a victim of such pain at some point in time in our lives. Here the irony is that the more we want to escape pain, the nearer it comes to us, and the more intense its effects get. There is hardly an individual around the globe who have not gone through ups and downs, but it doesn't signify that t ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

What is Anger Management? Anger is often considered as one of the dominant forms of emotion. It vents out when the person feels frustrated, annoyed and disappointed beyond an extent. It is a normal type of emotion and is one of the most expressive forms. However, when the anger turns to come out at frequent intervals, then it would be a cause for concern, and you might need professional help soon. Anger can be harmful, or it might be helpful a ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

The harsh sun during summer causes several problems apart from just sunburn. Prolonged exposure to the sun may lead to several skin conditions like brown spots, red and scaly spots, wrinkling, drying and skin cancer. It is important for you to prevent your skin from such harmful effects of the sun. Here are 10 tips you must follow in order to safeguard your skin against sun damage: Wear a sunscreen: You must apply a thick lay ...read more

Posted at 07-04-2020

You may have preferences when it comes to which skincare products you want to use on your skin, but the actual nourishment is received from within. Hence it is very important to eat healthy food in order to keep your skin healthy. Although it is not possible to maintain the 'healthy' food notion every day, here are some food items which you must eat regularly to maintain healthy skin:   1. Olive oil: Olive ...read more